For me to try to describe to you all the details of what happened last night would be impossible. There is no way I could do justice to all that God did and his glory that was shown last night. One person on our team described this morning as a 'spiritual hangover'. Many tears were shed by all of us from simply being able to witness the work of the Holy Spirit.
Last night was "gospel night." Basically the night that all the talks and the relationships we have built thus far have led up to. Domi, the polish leader, gave her testimony. She gave it in Polish so I can't relay to you what it consisted of, but I know that it was powerful. With tears in her eyes she was told us and the campers how God changed her life. Tom then told the story of the theif on the cross. How he did not deserve eternal life nor did he have a chance to do any sort of good works to prove he was 'good' enough. The Holy Spirit was with Tom while he was speaking. The power that came through his words was undeniable. Usually, after the talks, the students would go to discussion groups. However, last night, they were dismissed in groups of 3 or 4 to go through a prayer labrynth. A one on one time with God. They were taken through a series of stations that had them look at how they view their life, how others view their life and how God views them. We had the chance to go through such a labrynth a week ago in training and so we were able to have somewhat of an idea of what they were experiencing. We had no idea it would have the impact it did. We completely underestimated the power of God and the work he would do. As they came back into the room tears were flowing from some eyes, others had no idea what had just happened, while others had conversations that I know will change them for the rest of their lives.
Afterwards, our team and the polish team were hardly able to talk about the experience. We prayed and sang and gave glory to the God who we so often put in a box. Who we so often put boundaries on as to how we want him to work and what we think he is capable of.
Now we have two days of camp left. Many of us are spent. We know that God has more to do and we know we must press on. Please pray for us as yesterday took a lot out of us. We have dreams of wanting to go home. To give you all hugs. To tell you of the experiences we have had. To sleep in our own beds. But we know that the work here is not finished. We can't stop yet.
Here are a few pictures to show what the labrynth looked like that the students went through.
Again, there are so many stories to share and so many different ways in which God worked. When we get home, I encourage you to ask multiple people from our team about this night because I know that God impacted each of us in vastly different ways. You would miss out by only hearing from one person.
Our God is truly might to save and I know without a doubt that there was rejoicing in heaven last night.
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