Saturday, July 20, 2013

Last day of Camp!

     From the heart and voice of Ellie Just::       

This morning we took our last walk to the school, as today was our last day of camp. I think we all have mixed feelings about it ending. I know we all want to stay and continue to be servants of God and watch the seeds grow that have been planted, but we are also excited to let God take the reins from here and head home to our families. Today was all about having fun, laughing, talking, and building relationships that will hopefully be in our hearts forever. The morning started off with the camp dance!! (so fun, the campers loved it) Then egg, chicken, dinosaur, prince, king, basically a harder and more fun version of rock, paper, scissors! After that we were off to our final English class. Everyone had a great class, I think more fun activities were happening than lessons. The second part of class was the best, it was their turn to teach us! Zach and I were taught polish for about 30 minutes and it was crazy. It was so hard, but they loved that we tried so hard. They also made fun of our Minnesotan accents. Lunch time came and the team spent most of the time sorting and organizing all of our bins that are kept here at Domi’s house with supplies for camp each year. Off to workshops we went, I spent the hour making friendship bracelets, it was a time of great fellowship with a lot of the campers. The girls had a great time!! Then it was time for the long awaited soccer game, American vs Poles. We thought we were going to get rocked, but we actually didn’t lose too bad, 3-2!! Finally it was time to wrap up the week. We headed in and watched the entire slideshow of pictures of the week, laughs were had and tears were shed. And the winning team was announced, the Powerful Purples took home the gold, none of us are sure how that happened, haha!! All the teams did so great this week! Now it was time to say our goodbyes. We were so sad to say goodbye but so grateful for all the relationships that were created this week. All I can say is that it was your typically Minnesota goodbye J The campers left and we cleaned the school that provided us with so many great memories this past week. We gathered once again for dinner at the church, we were provided with a great meal and another night of fantastic fellowship with one another. We took time to debrief the entire week, what went well, and not so well (there wasn’t many of those). Then we took time to give thanks to our mighty creator, the one who made this whole camp happen. Now we are all sitting in our lobby of the hotel, us and the Polish youth team. I am sitting behind this screen writing to you all and I wish you all could hear what I am hearing. Great conversations about life and families, pictures being shown, cards game being played and the love of God completely radiating from every single one of them. The love for God that these amazing people completely takes my breath away. I want to thank God for placing these people in my life, I have made friendships that will last forever. I want to thank all our family and friends back home who have spiritually been with us through prayer as we embarked on this journey. We only have a couple days left and we are going to enjoy one last day in Skoczow tomorrow with the polish youth team, we finally get to have pizza, and then to Krakow on Monday morning to enjoy some tourist “things”.  Even though camp is done we still need prayers to be sent. Please be in prayer for
-       the polish youth team
-       Domi!! For she is the Polish fearless leader!
-       Pray for the seeds that have been planted in the hearts of some of these campers, may they continue to grow in their faith with Jesus Christ
-       Please pray for our travels to Krakow and then back home, as we have a very long travel day and many layovers. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday from Zach Northenscold

“Don’t be like Bob Dylan, be like Peter”…yup, sums up the entire day. See you for tomorrows blog!.....Not really. But that was one of the funniest moments of the day. More on that later.

Day started off like any other day this week: eggs (hardboiled cut in half and/or scrambled), bread with strawberry jam, and juice, completed with a healthy side of morning devotions and bible reading. After that, we started the long march to the school. Grandpa (Carl) told us that there were fish in the river, and so we (or maybe just I) spent the whole time looking for them. Talk about fun!! All in all a great morning.

Then we got to the school, ready for the second to last day of camp. I think the day went great. Started off with the camp dance, which is more fun every time we do it. Benito then led a game of “Would You Rather”, as in, “Would you rather like a homeless man’s armpit, or chew on his toenail?” Many laughs were shared. Class was next. Ellie and I (Zach) decided our class wasn’t liking what we were teaching them, so we taught them how to play the classic game of Heads-Up-Seven-Up. That was great. They caught on quick and it was fun; a great way to spend class time. J

Lunch was GREAT!!!!! Fish and potatoes. Mmmmmm. Enough said about that.

The game for the day was kickball. Some of the Poles had fun, but I got the feeling that most didn’t. Not because it wasn’t fun, but because they didn’t understand it. But ya, it was fun. My team, the Pink Panthers, went 0-3-1. Disappointing, but it was still worth it J

Then came the Evening Program, highlighted by another flawless message from our fearless leader, Mama Abbi the Rabbi. But then she went back to the hotel because she doesn’t feel good (please be in prayer for her). Following the Evening program was the BEST THEME NIGHT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome. The night was Hawaiian (oh boy). I was decked out in my dad’s awful Hawaiian shirt my mom let me borrow (sorry dad if you were looking for it, it’s in Poland), a grass skirt, and very many leis. We played limbo, and the tallest kid, Adrian, ended up winning. Talk about impressive. Then came the highlight of the night: Chief Ungabunga!!!!! For those of you in the Youth Group, you know what I’m talking about. Big Benito was dressed up in his finest Hawaiian attire, including a grass skirt on his head. I was his guard, and the hardest part for me was trying to keep a straight face, which I failed at. You’ll have to see the video when we get back. It was hilarious…ahhh.

Now most of us (Ben is sleeping) are sitting on the couches talking in the hotel. We are all excited for the last day of camp, but I think we’d all agree that the week flew by. Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts throughout the time we’ve been here, and I ask that you would continue praying for God’s work here and for the kids here at camp. Please pray that kids would leave camp changed for life, and not just for three weeks after camp is over. Please also be in prayer for the Polish Youth Group here, as even once we leave they will still be here doing God’s work. Just pray for encouragement for them as we leave and that they wouldn’t feel like they aren’t making a difference, because they truly are. Please also be in prayer for the health of our team. Grandpa Carlos just got rid of his cold, and Abby just picked it up. Just pray that she could recover quickly.

Thank you again for all of your support, and thank you for lending this team your family members for these two weeks. Now to the One who is the Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End, Wonderful Counselor and Almighty God, Amen.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

From Ellie Erholtz

God be exalted! The culmination of camp, the Labyrinth, was a success. The day started off like any other – in prayer for what God had in store. We all felt ready for the day, thankful that the Lord was in control of every detail. Our hearts were all set on what was going to take place that night, but we didn’t forget to live in the moment and enjoy camp day 6. English lessons went great, ultimate Frisbee was a success, and the camp dance looked as great as ever – we entered into the evening program as excited as ever. Abby’s message clearly portrayed the cost of sin and betraying Jesus in our lives. But she was quick to share the hope found in being reconnected with God. Her message was just the beginning of the spiritual experience we ALL were about to encounter. Everyone returned to the cafeteria for a time of worship. The campers were picked one-by-one to begin the labyrinth. The American’s were in the “worship room” as the Poles were scattered along the experience, ready to talk with any camper as they needed. After roughly an hour and a half of worshipping (Thank you Derek), praying, and reading scripture, every camper had been through. We couldn’t wait to hear from the Polish team how things had gone. God revealed himself in abundant ways. Every camper was talked to by the end of the night, and a few had chosen Jesus’s gift of salvation. Again, God be exalted! There are many stories that would take too many pages to express, we are all looking forward to sharing them with you when we get back.

Prayers requests include:

-The team’s health (especially Mama Abby).
-That we would make the best of these last two days, continuing relationships, and showing the campers the next step in their faith.
-For the Polish team (us as well): even if they can’t see the fruit of camp right now, that they would be encouraged because they have responded to God’s call in enormous ways, sacrificing many aspects of their own lives.

Thank you so much for supporting us in prayer! We have definitely been experiencing the results of it! We are so grateful for every single one of you. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Field Trip Day

Abby's Turn::             

Exhausted. I think it is safe to say that that is how our entire team, actually our entire camp, is feeling this evening. Our legs our tired and even though we may need a break for sleeping tonight, we know that our God does not! (because he will be in MN at work at VBS at Timberwood!) He is always at work and we find confidence in that as we got a chance to see a glimpse of his hand all day and as we are expectant of what tomorrow brings.
            Our field trip started out with a first for many on our team- a train ride! We were already loving the beginning of our day and the chance it got us to switch things up a bit from the usual English camp day. Once we arrived to the bottom of the mountain of which we were going to climb, we boarded a ski lift to take us up the first part of the mountain. This was my third time on this ski lift and it has been incredible every time. The view and the creativity of our God never gets old.
            At the top of this first part of the mountain everyone at the camp had a chance to go down the alpine slide. This seems to be a favorite for us all! Shortly following, our hiking adventures began. The terrain of the hike was steep at parts and flat at others. The Americans were told, by myself of course, that it would be slightly inclined for most of the way with only one steeper part. And it was!...for the parts I had been on before. The second half of the hike was new. And steep. Let’s just say that I was scared of what the team had waiting for me when we finally reached our destination. With screaming calves and feet, sunburned arms and faces, we sat down to enjoy a bonfire with more meat roasted on it at one time than any of us had ever seen. I think Carl sums it up best in his proclamation while roasting his kielbasa- “I love Poland!”
            The hike ended up being a little more challenging than we had expected so we decided to take another ski lift down the mountain. Again, an incredible view and moment to worship our God. Another reminder of how big and mighty is the God that we serve.
            Throughout the hiking, alpine sliding, and meat roasting, relationships were continued to be formed. It is fun to walk by people and hear them talking about how God created the universe or what they thought about God. Whether conversations that happened consisted of fishing or salvation, it was fun to come back tonight and hear how much God is priming the pump for many of these students and encouraging others. All the while, we as a team are encouraged left and right. God has been working in each of our hearts on the American team. Domi left us tonight with the truth that God is the one at work. That we do not have the feel the burden or pressure to say the right things or being the one to have all the ‘spiritual conversations’, but that God is using each of us on this trip in different but vital ways. Incredibly encouraging to hear her heart for this time that we are here and this camp. Please be in prayer for her as she has poured her entire being into this camp for many months. She has been a blessing to us and I know that God is using her in big ways in this church. She is the one who will be leading this group long after we are gone. Prayers for her would be appreciated!

            I do want to say that this team has been awesome. You have had a chance to hear from them each day about what is happening here- but they haven’t told you how incredible they are. They are a group of people with true servants hearts. They are always looking at what needs to be done and doing it with a smile. They love these Poles and it is evident in their interactions with them. Their faith is incredible. Their attitudes are unmatched. I am blessed by each and every one of them. Thank you for sharing your family and loved ones for these 15 days.

3 days left of camp and we are expectant of what God has in store.

Please be praying for::

- A good nights rest tonight. I know that it is much needed.
- The hearts of the campers. Tomorrow night is when the gospel is shared and they go through a personal prayer experience (labyrinth) where they will be faced with questions about faith. This is a huge night for many in this group.
- Continued health of the team
- That we would each individually be seeking God. Leaning into Him. Being filled by Him. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Midway point!

From the heart of Derek Bruns::

Today marked the halfway point of the English camp here in Skoczow.  We started off the day as a team praying for everything that has been happening both here in Poland and also back home at Timberwood as VBS is now in full swing.  We are confident that God will answer our prayers for VBS as he has been answering your prayers here in Poland.   

We had another full day of camp today which meant the schedule was very similar to yesterday.  We started off with the morning program where we were updated on how our color teams are ranking in points (Powerful Purplez all the way!!), did the camp song/dance, and taught two English lessons.  The English lessons keep getting better and better each day and we are confident that they will keep moving in this direction for the remainder of our time here. 

The afternoon was filled with workshops, snack, and volleyball.  I think everybody in Skoczow should be scared of Old Man Mills after the way he spiked that volleyball this afternoon.  We all had a great time being with the students in a setting where we were not teaching them something and I have found that the afternoons have been the times where the kids are starting to get rid of some of the “shyness” that they had earlier in the week. 

Tonights evening program focussed on how we are all sinners.  It was a tough night for some of the students as it may or may not have been the first time they have heard about the reality of sin and the consequences that come with sin.  However, it was a night filled with truth and bringing truth to these students is exactly why we are here.  The good news is that God decided to do something about it and that is what we are going to share with the students on Thursday night.  We are anticipating a stress free day out in the mountains with the students tomorrow where will have plenty of time to talk with any student that has questions about what they heard tonight and are already in prayer for Thursday when we tell them about the second half of Romans 6:23 which says, “but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Please join us in prayer as we lay out the gospel for these students in the next few days.  

As usual, we concluded the day eating dinner with the Polish team.  The time that we get to spend with them in the evening has been a huge blessing.  It’s pretty great when you jam 15-20 Christians into one room every single night, have great food, and lots of laughs.  We are all so thankful for the food and fellowship that they have provided us with this week.   

Please be in prayer for our day tomorrow and we take a 13 mile hike through the mountains.  Also be in prayer for Polish team as many of them are facilitating the cell groups (small groups after the evening program) as some of them have had a hard time getting their students to open up and focus on the Bible passage that is supposed to be discussed.  Again, be in prayer for us as a team as we may face tough questions from the students about the realities of sin and be in prayer for tomorrow and Thursday as we point them to God’s word and the promise that he has for us in his Son Jesus Christ.  Thank you all again for your support.  Have a great night at VBS!