Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Camp Day 4

Ephesians 3:20 has been my theme verse every year that I have gone to Poland- the fact that God wants to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask for or imagine. We talk about this verse in our first training meeting back in February- about not having any expectations for the trip but having huge expectations of what God is going to do. This year, in the first few days of the trip, I was saying the same thing that has come out of my mouth so many times. I felt at that time that God was pressing upon my heart- Abby, you say you have big expectations of me, but I want to BLOW YOUR MIND this trip. You won’t even know what hit you.

We’re half way through the camp and God has already gone above and beyond my expectations. I wish there were words to convey how incredible it has been to see the fruit of four years of camps. It brings tears to my eyes to think of how much God has been doing in this place in the years I have known that Skoczow existed. Through camps, yes, but even more so through the committed obedience of a volunteer youth leader and a group of students. Lives have been changed forever.

Today was day four of camp. There were tired eyes when we gathered this morning, but I saw them lift as our team entered the school and started to interact with the Polish half of our team and the campers. It has been a joy to see our team jump right in to whatever it is that their task is for the day. Whether it is running games, teaching English, cleaning up after lunch, running an ice breaker, being the score keeper for the week, joining the music team at the last moment, filling in for a teammate who was not feeling well, playing cards, going to get water from the local store…each of them has executed their responsibilities with a smile.

The Holy Spirit has been doing big things through the evening talks and small groups. The gospel has been evident from the stage as well as from individual conversations being had. We continue to look at the difference between the way that the world says we are to live and how things work compared to how the kingdom of God functions and what a beautiful thing it is. Forgiveness was the topic of the evening- what a humbling message even as it came out of my own mouth. Jim shared a story of a time that he forgave a friend. It was a story that many referenced in their small group time as being influential in their view of learning about this forgiveness thing. I ask that you would be praying for each of them as they continue to be faced with the question- “what kingdom are you living in?”

Tomorrow is our field trip day. A shorter hike (you can laugh if you want, but this year I think ‘short’ actually means just that!) and then we will be going on a high ropes course at the top of the mountain. The goal of the day is to be having conversations with the campers about where they are with God. Please be in prayer for these conversations!

There are a few on our team who are feeling the beginnings of having colds and dealing with allergies- prayers for that as well would be great.

I cannot wait to share with you all the stories of what God has done and will do on this trip. This blog is just a small slice of the pie.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of going with a group of those that you love to a place and people that I love to serve the God that we love.


  1. Thank you, Abby, for investing in the lives of our youth and for enriching their lives through this experience. Excited to hear all of the stories! Blessings to the team. Praying that God continues to amaze all of you! Julie

  2. Ditto! You go girl! We all love reading these blogs. It's like old time family story hour around the dinner table when we read these. Ha! Loving it! Lori S.

  3. Thanks for sharing Abby! I am so excited for you guys. Saying a prayer right now for people's health as I know how frustrating that can be. Have fun (hope you had fun) on that "short" hike.
