Sunday, August 3, 2014

From the voice and heart of Katie Bitzer

I am not sure how to put into words the things we are experiencing here.  But here it goes….

The best way to describe today in one word is “goodbye”.  I said goodbye to Sisters in Christ whom I had an instant connection with because of our shared love of the Lord.  I said goodbye to a new friend (who was a stranger when we sat near one another in church only one week ago) that challenged my faith with the depth of her questions, the depth of her wrestling with God.  I said goodbye to people who challenged me by their humility, love for others, and willingness to serve this incredible God that created us to glorify Him.  We, as a team, said many goodbyes to campers that attended church today with us.  We also said goodbye to much of the Polish team that we have been serving along side.

The day began with worship, which never fails to be a highlight for me on a trip like this.  Worshiping God with songs that are being sung in two different languages tend to make my understanding of God stretch a little bit bigger as I realize I am part of a much-larger-than-Nisswa body of Christ.  Add to that the fresh perspective of the fact that I have a part to play in that body and it is easily becomes a humbling and uplifting experience at the same time. 

The church in Skoczow celebrated the fact that another successful English camp was complete.  We had the opportunity to do our camp dance, Abby and Domi shared about our incredible God and what he is doing here, we shared communion with them, and heard about Paul, Barnabas, Silas, John Mark, and Timothy.  We heard about the challenges and difficulties that they faced with steadfastness and how God brought people to His kingdom through them.  It was a timely message that was encouraging and motivating to not only finish out the last few days of our trip strong but to continue on in His strength after we return home to the place God has us MN. 

We walked from church and had pizza for lunch in a park near the hotel with the youth group members.  We then debriefed for the last time, talking about what worked and what didn’t during the 8 day camp.  This was followed by a little free time and then we were off to dinner in Cieszyn.  We enjoyed another meal together in a formal restaurant, followed by a wonderful walk to get mango ice cream. 

It is easy to fall in love with this place, the people and their culture, the old architecture and the town squares, the food and the constant trips for ice cream. It is hard to say goodbye.  Partially because the work is unfinished and I suppose will be until Christ calls us home.  Partially because we were transformed here, changed to be one step closer to Christ.  And partially because some of the friendships we formed will never be forgotten. 

Thank you for your prayers for us during our time in Poland.  God has provided in ways that are beyond our comprehension.  He has given us strength to be upright when we thought for sure exhaustion should be setting in.  He provided words when we were speaking His truth to our new friends.  He provided peace when we needed it the most.  He provided when we were hot or tired or hungry or sad.  This trip has not been without hang-ups, injury, or even disunity at times.  God has shown he is greater than all of it. 

As we finish out our last two days, I ask that you please continue to pray for the Love of Christ to shine through us, even through the difficult day of travel that is ahead of us, especially to one another.  I ask that you also pray that God continues to use the events of our time in Poland to transform us into closer and more effective disciples for His Glory when we get home.  That this is not a mountain top experience all on its own, but a springboard into a more faithful walk with our Savior. 

Hallelujah Hallelujah His love makes us sing


  1. Yes! His love is making us sing! In Nisswa, in Poland, and all over this great big earth. We are praying for your safe return. Looking forward to seeing you all. He is faithful.
