Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Sunday Sunday

From Ben "Mountain Man" Wolthuizen

Today is the end of our first week in Poland.   We are starting to use more of the Polish language daily (correctly and incorrectly).  We began our day with Sunday worship.  The Polish Church lavished us with love by having a English speaking pastor present the morning message.  The message was then translated into Polish.  
All of the worship music had both Polish and English words.  It was a profound and moving experience to be worshipping God, singing the same song next to a Polish believer.  Prayer is such a powerful aspect of the Polish church.  An open time of prayer was offered to the Polish congregation and a woman was moved to tears.  We didn’t understand the words but the Holy Spirit allowed us to share in her prayer.  After the service we partook in fellowship over sprite, juice, coffee and traditional Polish cakes.  I would move this country for the food alone.
            Tonight was our second night of camp.  Camp lasted from 1:00pm until 7:00pm.  The students were excited and giving hugs as soon as they saw us.  A boy named Michal and I are continuing a hand shake that David Quisberg taught him last year. Today was our first day of teaching English.  We were all amazed at how well the Polish students could write and comprehend English. Carl and I agreed that many of our student’s handwriting is more legible than ours.  We each have a translator in our classroom, and they are a great help when things truly get lost in translation.  When asking students about cities they knew in America one boy stated Roswell.  It took Carl and I few minuets to understand that he was referring to Roswell, New Mexico.  He proceeded to tell us about the specific date and time the alien “mother ship” landed, he asked if we believed.  Speaking of ships,  “Mama A” or Abby runs a tight one, but the fruit of the labor is harvested in conversations about Christ and His Love.  Ellie E. had a break through moment led by the Holy Spirit tonight in her cell group tonight.  
            Please pray for continued opportunities for meaningful conversation. Pray that God will allow productive sleep for long camp days ahead.  Pray for the Polish Church, who is small in number but unified by the love of Christ.  Thank you for your continued support and God Bless.   

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