Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Great News and Bummer News

We're safe!!! That's the great news. We made it through our long flight with no hiccups other than an hour delayed flight out of Chicago. We were high in spirits even though we had to stay in the states an extra hour.

The bummer of the day- due to the delay of the first flight, we missed our connecting flight. The few flights from Munich to Krakow for the day are overbooked. We all have boarding passes for a 9:50pm flight to Krakow...which is over 9 hours from now. So when you wake up and read this, please pray for our spirits! This is definitely one long continuous day. If the movie Terminal hadn't already been created, I am sure we could have made big money from our stories that will come out of today. We've also joked about starting a twitter feed. Thankfully we're still laughing and joking with each other at this point!

We'll get into Krakow around 11:30pm followed by a 2 hour drive to Wisla.

Thank you for your prayers thus far.  Our motto the whole time we have been training and preparing for this trip has been 'open palms', being open to what God wants for this trip and not our own desires. We've tweaked it a little bit today, starting with a sunny morning of prayer at church to 'open sweaty palms'.

Blessings and peace to all of you back home!


  1. It's the city we have training in this year, Carl! The same city that we hiked in last year. BEAUTIFUL view.
