Saturday, July 16, 2016

Final day of camp

And in the blink of an eye, camp is over. It’s amazing how fast 8 days can go by.

We had a great last day of camp. This morning the students who have been learning English all week had a chance to teach some polish to their American teachers. They loved being able to have the tables turned. Our team walked away with the knowledge of a few more polish words and the knowledge of a little bit of what it feels like to be the student rather than the teacher.  Humbling to say the least.

The day was filled with many tears from both the campers and the Americans. Goodbyes began and will continue tomorrow and into Monday morning. The hardest part of the trip... but how sweet it is to have something, a group of people and a week so hard to say goodbye to.

Some of my favorite moments of today were getting hugged by campers who had tears in their eyes and you could tell that when they said “thank you” that their lives had been effected this week. Two words in a language not their own, to convey all that they feel behind those words. Feelings that don’t need explaining. God is so so good.

After camp we spent time cleaning up the school and organizing our bins of supplies for camps in the future. The students from the American team are getting the chance to stay in the homes of students from the youth group here tonight. I have been getting updates through the evening that they are having a great time together. We will reunite at church in the morning with one last morning to worship altogether with our polish teammates. Some of our American team is a part of the band in the morning as well!

It will take us days and weeks ahead to process all that each of us experienced this week and I pray that God has flamed a fire in all of us to continue our passion for sharing the love of Jesus in all of our spheres of influence- both the poles who will be here and the Americans who will be there.

Thank you again for all your prayers- we have gotten to see so many of them answered. More and more stories of students whose lives have been changed for eternity, who have given their lives to Christ or who have grown in their relationship with Him continue to come out of the woodwork. I have loved getting to see students who have been here for a few camps who have, this week, made the decision to give their life to Christ. It makes my heart dance to see another student who gave her life to Christ last year, be an active part of the youth group now and brought three more students to camp with her this year.

The Holy Spirit is moving. God is alive and active and changing lives.



  1. Thank you Jesus for Abby and commitment to serve you. Thank you for the gifts you have given her to serve with and how she allows the Holy Spirit to use them for Your glory! Bring the team home safely I pray.
    Thank you Lord.

  2. Yes and Amen...thank you Jesus for all you did in and through each one. See you soon, Abby. Well done faithful servants of God.
