Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Team 2017 made it to Poland!

We made it! Our team is currently sitting at the lunch table waiting to eat our first meal. We got to the hotel about three hours ago which gave everyone a chance to take a nap and put on a new change of clothes- except for Pete who’s luggage stayed in Frankfurt when we kept moving forward (he will be reunited with it this evening!) The team camera got lost somewhere along the way as well- in fact I believe it’s still in security in Minneapolis. I am fully responsible for the loss and the team has taken full advantage of every moment they could in order to remind me of that fact. All in love of course J

Travel was incredibly smooth and we are excited to be here! After lunch we will go to a local mall, spend some time as a team and try to keep each other awake as late as possible to help us acclimate to the time difference.

Thank you for your prayers! They have been felt.

Tomorrow we hit the morning strong with our training here in Poznan. Please pray that our minds would be alert, hearts prepared and that we would soak up every moment we have here.



  1. Welcome to Poland! Enjoy your time at the mall and good plan to stay up as long as possible to acclimate to the current time zone.
    Praying for God's blessings on your trip and may He fill you with His spirit.
    Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures with God!
    Gladys B

  2. Praise for answered prayers for your safe travels. Prayers continue for an awesome experience, revealed by God to fulfill His purpose through all of you. May your hearts be full!
